Monday, August 23, 2010

1st & 15th- Star Trak

This image reminded of me and my guy Evan. It's a insider Hehehehe

Lupe Fiasco-(ME) & Pharrel Williams (EVAN)


Good day everyone! Its been another stretch where I have not blogged in a while; again there are many things that I am going through. But to keep this entry positive, I finally decided to pursue my love for fashion. In that case I chose to team up with my my boy "Deliboy" to help start this ideal of starting my clothing brand. Right now, the idea is in brainstorming process, and may take a couple of years to be established; but patience is a virtue right? What I plan to creat for the world is the whole nine yards through clothing,shirts, jeans and sneakers. I hope everyone can be patient with me, I just hope this idea can be successful.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Don't you hate stubborn people the majority of the time. Sometimes it is really difficult to get your thoughts across to them; lets say THE "OPPOSING PERSON" since that it was they seem to be. When you conversate and either make a suggestion to them or better yet advice them, they always seem to have something neglective to say against you. They are like an overdosed/bulged fly filled with blood; the more blood they feed off of the closer they are to making the most dangerous mistake in popping themselves. Confidence can only take you so far depending what type of person you, but those who need guidence are the ones who use their "Stubs" in making them feel that they have anything to lose. Then most times when they are correct at any situation they make you feel that there was no chance in hell that you would have been able to justify against them. Enough of me speaking about this because the more I write the more it is grueling in my mind.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Stevenson BasketbaLL

It has been a long time coming and the basketball season is coming to a halt. It's been a long road for me being a part of the Varsity team for four years consecutively. Now I have reached my Senior year. Throughout all of the years it has been constructive but it never went the way I envisioned it to be. I guess the saying "You Can't Always Get What You Want" is dominantly true. Despite that, all the players that I've played with were good people. Although as good of a people they are, they all human and they have a minds of their own; as weird it may sound this was the problem with us as players not being on the same page. Now that I'm a Senior, being on the team has shown me life morals that I would have never thought of which is adjacent to a relationship with a person. Both spouses have to be intertwined with one another and have trust with one another; but as a team we didn't have that. Sometimes I ask myself who's fault was it at the end of the day, but its disturbing sometimes to even think about it because I don't know who does did it fall under.

'Till this day as much I want to say that I love the game of basketball, its hard to answer a question where I would describe what type of player I am or how good of a player I am as well.

Brotherly Country: Haiti

January 12th was the fatal earthquake that took place in Haiti. One of the astonishing surprising and maybe the greatest global crisis that has happened to one of our brotherly countries. Its really disturbing to see one of the poorest countries come to a conclusion such as this, Haiti for many years have had struggle developing their country due to its bad economy and government. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and as the twenty-seventh most impoverished nation in the world.

Buildings crumbled, the ground tore apart like it was broken a like a piece of cookie, houses and tents fell on people which kill them. Telephones and electricity were cut off which made it impossible for people to come in contact. Relief workers had hard times transporting themselves from destination to destination. It seemed like the end of the world for the brotherly island of Dominican Republic.

It hurts to see a country getting into more worse conditions than it already is in because not only does it affect them in particular but it impacts countries that are supporting one another. It affects one other economies which makes it difficult to develop as nations. Therefore lately there has been a rigid support in relief plans and reform for the people of Haiti. The Red Cross as well as other rescue/relief service chains have urgently been on the job.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Coolest MC! - Lupe Fiasco




Uplifting Performance! - G.O.O.D Music

Phenomenal Song

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Belated NewYears...

Happy New Year - New Year
Its been a long time coming to a brand new decade of the 21st century. Humanity has come a long way from its intangibles. But now its a new era in town; 2010. I really don't have nothing to say for the simple reason of I don't want to say anything hipocriticle because no matter how many resolutions we set for ourselves, us being humans we don't fulfill them. When it hit 12:00AM January 1st it still felt the same exact way, nothing has changed, everything in my life has not been diminished as far as people, and life conditions. In the end NewYear's was a special day for everybody to rejoice and prepare themselves for the year ahead. The only thing I can say that I'm going to do is get my mind right before anything else.
