Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Belated NewYears...

Happy New Year - New Year
Its been a long time coming to a brand new decade of the 21st century. Humanity has come a long way from its intangibles. But now its a new era in town; 2010. I really don't have nothing to say for the simple reason of I don't want to say anything hipocriticle because no matter how many resolutions we set for ourselves, us being humans we don't fulfill them. When it hit 12:00AM January 1st it still felt the same exact way, nothing has changed, everything in my life has not been diminished as far as people, and life conditions. In the end NewYear's was a special day for everybody to rejoice and prepare themselves for the year ahead. The only thing I can say that I'm going to do is get my mind right before anything else.

1 comment:

  1. Two steps back and one huge step forward, that's what the new year means to me. Reflection and Inspiration two coins of same thing or two coins of opposite ideas merging to become a nickel. This new year in reflection to the other years passed is the beginning of everyone's new horizon, including our family. Nephew, new year is to growth, as ignorance is to lack of knowledge. Growing into Life is learning to Love and Learning to learn. Allowing yourself to be a back-seat passenger in the flow of time instead of driving your vehicle of experience will hinder your growth thus making this year suck...Grow and be tall, learn and be wise, experience everything, stop being tired, and most importantly take responsibility of your actions. Taking responsibility with allow you to to be a Giant among men, even if you're not 6'2" tall as you like: Live Long Shorty

