Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Brotherly Country: Haiti

January 12th was the fatal earthquake that took place in Haiti. One of the astonishing surprising and maybe the greatest global crisis that has happened to one of our brotherly countries. Its really disturbing to see one of the poorest countries come to a conclusion such as this, Haiti for many years have had struggle developing their country due to its bad economy and government. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and as the twenty-seventh most impoverished nation in the world.

Buildings crumbled, the ground tore apart like it was broken a like a piece of cookie, houses and tents fell on people which kill them. Telephones and electricity were cut off which made it impossible for people to come in contact. Relief workers had hard times transporting themselves from destination to destination. It seemed like the end of the world for the brotherly island of Dominican Republic.

It hurts to see a country getting into more worse conditions than it already is in because not only does it affect them in particular but it impacts countries that are supporting one another. It affects one other economies which makes it difficult to develop as nations. Therefore lately there has been a rigid support in relief plans and reform for the people of Haiti. The Red Cross as well as other rescue/relief service chains have urgently been on the job.

1 comment:

  1. it'll take over 10 years to rebuild this fatal country but it isn't impossible...with all the humane support and worldy sympathies from the globe,we can do it.....God please help this fallen nation to ressurect from its ashes and rise like the phoniex they are.....

    LASERS-Love Always Shines Everywhere Remember 2 Smile d^_^b

